May is almost here and it’s time to start coming up with Mother’s Day gift ideas! I went into my mom’s bedroom to find out what she needed and spotted the most awful, old picture frames collecting dust by her bedside table. There was one thing about them, though, that I thought had potential. They had gorgeous victorian textures underneath layers and layers of faux “gold” accents and lacquer… so I set myself to making them shine!
You can find pictures of the whole process and a material list below. Here’s what I came up with:
1. Remove the back side of each picture frame
2. Mix up some light beige paint. This is aprox. 10 parts white to 1 part yellow. You can also try light blue, pink, or whatever tone you love!
3. Cover each frame with at least 5 coats of paint. Since we’re doing almost white tones over dark surfaces, this might take a while. I included a picture of my frame right after the first coat of paint just so you get an idea of how ugly it still looked.
4. Protect each frame with matte clear spray.
5. Enjoy going from old to bold
My mom absolutely loved her mini bedside table makeover. Yours will too. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you have any questions feel free to email me at, comment right here, tweet @nostalgiosity or leave a comment on my wall at